The European Anglers Federation (EAF, former European Anglers Forum) is an association formed by its founders to defend the inter-ests of European anglers.
- to provide a framework for cooperation between national anglers federations of the member countries;
- the main objective is to protect the interests and rights of anglers as well as those of their national federations; to standardize, protect and broaden the scope of angling rights; to preserve and gradually improve conditions for both recreational and sport angling; to standardize the conditions under which angling rights may be exercised;
- to take common and coordinated action against the different phenomena jeopardizing angling waters, angling conditions and the right and possibility of angling (the effects of water pollution, ecological damage caused by hydroelectric power plants, damage caused by fish-killing animals, first and foremost, cormorants);
- to protect the aquatic environment, the environment in a broader sense and the nature, in the interest of angling and in harmony with the European Union’s Water Frame-work Directives and the implementation of the Natura 2000 program,
- to help conserve and improve the quality and ecological conditions of angling waters, to protect their fish stock and to secure a determinant role for angling in natural wa-ters;
- to increase continuously the social prestige of angling, according to its socio-economic importance; to enforce the ethics of angling in the widest range possible, and to strug-gle jointly against fish poaching and all forms of poaching;
- to raise awareness and popularize angling among young people, and to increasingly involve them in angling, whose role in protecting nature, maintaining fish habitat, recreation and health preservation is gaining acceptance by the younger generations;
- to support meetings of sport anglers;
- to develop angling knowledge and expertise;
- to develop angling tourism. | All rights reserved © 2007-2021